General Robert E. Lee

General Robert E. Lee

President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee cooked Confederate Jambalaya & Gumbo in Mississippi at Beauvoir.
From 1877 until his death, this was the residence of Jefferson Davis (1808-1889), President of the Confederacy. Davis spent the last twelve years of his life at Beauvoir writing THE RISE AND FALL OF THE CONFEDERATE GOVERNMENT, which was in part a summation of his life. Beauvoir is an example of the "raised cottage", which takes advantage of the Gulf winds to provide the house with natural ventilation.

President Jefferson Davis and General Robert E. Lee's

Confederate Chicken & Sausage Cajun Creole Gumbo

This recipe is for Chicken & Sausage Cajun Creole Gumbo cooked on the stove top in a Gumbo pot with a lid.  Serves 20 Yankees, 15 Texans or 10 Cajuns.

2 chickens

1/3 pint Roux (Cajun style)

1 1/2 gallons water

2 lb smoked sausage

4 large onions (chopped)

1 bell pepper  (chopped)

4 chicken bouillon cubes

4 tsp Cajun seasoning

2 tsp garlic powder

1/2 tsp red pepper

1/2 tsp black pepper

2 table liquid smoke

2 tsp salt

Put everything in large gumbo pot except chicken, cook on medium for 1 hour.  Turn fire up until the water is boiling, add chicken, bring to a boil stirring very well, after the water starts to boil again, turn fire down to medium, cook 25 minutes.

Salute the Confederate flag, stir well and serve with hot buttered rolls and green salad or Orange Mandarin Salad.

Jambalaya Orange Salad Gumbo


Jason, George "Doo"

Cody & Big D

Tash, MEA, JJ, KK








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